Corporate Events & Soireés

Elite Models

Corporate events are always an obligation you have to attend with a smile. Sometimes it seems like you never get away from your work mates! If you’re looking for someone to brighten up the evening and chase the boredom away, we can arrange the most interesting and funny model to entertain you, and have you laughing all evening. Perhaps you want to impress your colleagues or employees with the intelligent, stunning model beauty you managed to date.

We can discreetly and secretly arrange for a gorgeous woman with a knowledge of the event topic, to accommodate you as one of your girlfriend dates. You’ll be the envy of every man in the room, and your staff will look up to you as a man successful at home and at work.

Regardless of your reasons, sometimes you just need an executive escort model for your corporate event. Whether she is your date, used to keep someone busy while you horn in on the person you want access to, or just someone to fill in the numbers, our wonderful and educated women with full time careers will delight you and ensure your evening goes smoothly and perfectly.

Some of the events we can arrange a VIP escort model’s attendance for include:

– Art gallery openings,
– Wine tastings, club events,
– Business cocktail soirees,
– Team building events,
– Private parties,
– Group experiences,
– Launches
– Ballgames
– Paint ball games & laser tag
– Company picnics & cookouts
– Harbour boat cruise
– Charity events & volunteer days
– Fundraising dinners

Elite Models

Gentleman and lady, don’t attend alone and hope for the best. Don’t sit in the corner when you could be dancing with a beautiful, responsive woman. Don’t engage in obligatory dull small talk when you could be having fascinating conversations full of anticipation and excitement. Contact us now to arrange a meeting with one of the most beautiful, interesting women available, and make it a night to remember!

These are the BEST VIP parties and each party is a great way to release your inner-self, let it all out with joy and excitment. Treat yourself to a sensual, romantic, exciting, and all you can dream at this VIP event.
- Masha

VIP ELITE Escort Dating

International VIP Companions For Dating & Travel
Discretion, luxury and beauty are guaranteed indefinitely
We meet all our VIP escort model applicants personally, & introduce them to you discreetly.
We do not work with full time, per-hour escorts.
We offer truly exclusive and elite companions.

The Ideal Gentleman

As with any authentic, high quality woman, your looks don’t particularly matter. What matters are your values, your attitude, your hygiene, and your treatment of your companions. The ladies are more concerned with how enjoyable someone is to spend time with, than how ‘ripped’ or handsome he is. :)

When approaching women of this caliber, one needs to understand that they are not typical ‘high class escorts’. These women are not full time ‘workers’, available for anyone who calls, and they are not meeting multiple men every night.

These are authentic, high quality, successful ladies with accomplished careers, taking full advantage of the experiences life is offering them. They just happen to also have been blessed with phenomenal beauty, and worked on achieving superb physiques.

They just happen to be sensual, red-blooded women who enjoy dating and meeting equally sophisticated people occasionally.

As such, the successful gentleman who will be introduced to these angels will not just be wealthy. Wealth can be achieved, but as we all know, money cannot buy class… Enter many of the nouveau riche.. ;)

An eligible gentleman for the VIP Elite companions will be educated, refined, respectful and considerate, in addition to his affluence and success. He will actively seek out and appreciate the quality and sophistication that a woman of this caliber brings to every date.

This wonderful gentleman will pay close attention to his personal hygiene and safety, and understand he is dealing with human beings, not products. He understands the difference between seeking a ‘deal’, and appreciating high value and quality. And we only deal with ‘wonderful’ gentlemen. :)

He’ll genuinely love women, and the connection building between them. He understands normal social etiquette, and doesn’t pressure, stalk or harass his companions in any way. He carries positive, loving energy, and is warm and friendly. He’s confident enough to be himself.

He will enjoy dressing accordingly, aiming to impress his date with his style and the quality of his attire, just as she does for him. He may perhaps use cologne to remain fresh throughout the evening. He is not a narcissist, but he’s aware of his own quality.

He’s not interested in spending time with anyone less refined than he is himself. He’ll notice that his model has had her hair done for the date, and appreciate that she’s pampered from head to toe, for the sole purpose of looking her absolute best for him.

Oh yes, all those things we do are an effort just to please you, because we love to see you smile. ;)

The less appealing (and likely-to-be-unsuccessful) caller will use inappropriate and disrespectful language, whether with the model or with the agency staff. He will make contact with comments such as ‘Who’s available now?’ He will be less hygienic, ask for inappropriate ‘services’, and then discuss his personal experience openly with strangers online, exposing his beautiful companion’s privacy and removing her dignity.

Real men are supposed to protect women, not abuse them… He’ll usually be under the affect of some version of misogyny, often combined with narcissism, and his aggressive, selfish, sarcastic or veiled negative approach will usually drive the lady to refuse his calls from that point on. Or perhaps even leave the date.

He may have ‘issues’ with women in general, or be sexist | racist | discriminatory or generally intolerant of others. (There is nothing wrong with having a preference for certain nationalities or other values of course – that is very different from being hateful and racist towards other nationalities.) – Let’s try to avoid that type of individual and conduct, shall we?

With all respect, we all have our own path and we are all on our own journey – certainly someone who is on a difficult path and has childhood trauma can react to that by behaving in negative ways. For them we highly recommend the work and you tube videos of sir Gabor Maté.

As people become more developed and enlightened, they can change. We recommend never to ‘throw someone away’. However some people need to be loved from a distance, until they are all that they are meant to be. ;) Even our declines are done with love.

If you have any questions, you may find an answer on the FAQ page, or by all means email us. We’d love to hear from you.