Booking Appointments

Thank you for your interest in learning about booking appointments.

Appointments are one of the things that define a company in the elite escort dating industry. A general escort agency will have a large number of full-time escort ladies on call, to provide for last-minute meetings. An elite introduction agency will only offer a handful of carefully selected upscale escort ladies and travel companions. These elite courtesan women pursue all the career and opportunities that life affords them. As such, their schedules are not wide open, and they’re available by appointment only. VIP Elite Models® operates on the latter platform.

The kind of clientele for whom we cater are generally refined and high-end businessmen or VIPs. In our experience, their lives are quite well organized. They take their leisure time as seriously as their business time. They schedule all their engagements, including their dating and entertainments. These are affluent, successful men who work hard, and like to spoil themselves with high quality and expensive luxury. Not that they schedule every single detail of a vacation for example, but they are on a vague mental itinerary at all times. Organization is just part of successful business and also personal success.

Like everything in their lives, high profile and successful men seek out the best. They like to indulge in style. And when it comes to the best escorts, VIP Elite Models is a premium choice. The organized, discerning gentleman is very different to the man who simply feels lonely that night and decides to call for some company. An upmarket VIP clientele plans the evening to be something beautiful. Obviously if a gentleman is arranging a travel companion booking, this requires even more lead time. He doesn’t like to rush, or make mistakes. Preparation time allows things to go super-smoothly. Ideally!

It is true that most of these high-end gentlemen book an elite escort courtesan for the evening or the weekend, as opposed to a brief dinner date, in order to truly savor his personal leisure time. Sometimes he is an extremely busy man and only has an occasional evening free for a quick dinner-til-breakfast date. Sometimes he’s able to take the week or weekend off to relax with a beautiful woman. Regardless, he will always ensure the vip escort model and the date is booked well in advance, at the time when he knows he will be free. This allows him to meet the high class woman he wants to meet. He may re-schedule occasionally, but appointments are part of his daily life. One cannot run multinational corporations or even one company and its employees efficiently, without being organized.

Elite Models

As mentioned above, our elite model escorts are also accomplished, VIP caliber individuals in their own right. They’re also generally running to some kind of schedule. A successful commercial model escort has regular photo shoots and castings to attend. Beautiful actress companions will have auditions and maybe filming. Gorgeous cabin crew run to a very tight schedule. Stunning career women and other career professionals are all unavailable at some point. They enjoy freelancing as an elite courtesans in their free time.

Some are captivated by their business and career engagements, with great ambition. Others will be booked up with personally enriching activities; music lessons, dance classes, gym, friends, travel, shows, having beauty treatments, reading, working on some project. Even the committed college girl academics are studying and enhancing their lives with investments in themselves. So the high class travel companions’ leisure time with you needs to be arranged when she has a window. And she thoroughly enjoys that chance to escape every day life and float away with you!

Considering the caliber of high-quality people with whom we work, appointments are absolutely necessary. You can request a reservation, and the model who agrees to accept your date makes herself available for you. Or we will consult with you and let you know which models will be available for your dinner date or trip. When one of the gorgeous escorts accepts an invitation for a date, she takes it seriously. She will book a hairdresser and makeup artist at her own expense, and plan an afternoon of beauty and grooming. She attends to every detail so she is physically and mentally prepared & refined. Then she can meet with you for a mutually enjoyable and magical engagement. There are very few high class escort models at this level who are available without notice. Although occasionally a shorter notice meeting can occur if one of her regular callers happens to need her for a business dinner. Ultimately it depends on her ability to get away discreetly.

Hopefully this sufficiently explains what “Appointment Only’ entails, and will allow our potential new clients to conduct themselves with that in mind. Please take advantage of our well-kept scheduling, to ensure your date is always ready for you when you require her on your arm. :) When you allow a minimum of 3-5 days’ notice, it allows us to arrange someone locally. When you allow 7-14 days, we can arrange almost any of the exclusive models to meet you internationally. For example, an international top model escort is always flying around the world for modeling assignments. So she needs time to assess her schedule and let us know in which international city she will be when you wish to met her. She can travel to you, or you can fly to her.

To add a further note, it’s very often about respect also. One makes appointments to meet with most other professionals, respecting their time and expertise. You probably appreciate and respect business people making appointments with you when you’re busy. Perhaps you even appreciate friends arranging catch up time with you, not just calling you and saying ‘I want to see you for lunch in 20 minutes’. We all run our lives to some kind of schedule, and we all have commitments. Time is more often than not rather short for the successful individual, and things need to be planned wherever possible.

If you’re the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person, who just goes with the flow and follows his whims, it’s unlikely you’ll be the kind of caller for whom we can cater. A gentleman will always defer to a lady’s preference within reason, and our ladies prefer a proper invitation to a date. Thank you for your consideration on that. Given the quality of the high end courtesan escorts and celebrity models, we think this is a reasonable request. Most of our gentlemen have no problem honoring that; in fact most of them prefer it.

These are the BEST VIP parties and each party is a great way to release your inner-self, let it all out with joy and excitment. Treat yourself to a sensual, romantic, exciting, and all you can dream at this VIP event.

- Masha

VIP ELITE Escort Dating

International VIP Companions For Dating & Travel
Discretion, luxury and beauty are guaranteed indefinitely
We meet all our VIP escort model applicants personally, & introduce them to you discreetly.
We do not work with full time, per-hour escorts.
We offer truly exclusive and elite companions.